Do you own a rental property?

Beheermijnvastgoed works for home owners in the greater Amsterdam region, Haarlem and Haarlemmermeer, who own one or more homes or apartments - fully carpeted, curtained and furnished - in the private rental sector.

For example, you might be leaving the country for an extended period of time, renting out your home in the Netherlands while you are away. Or you might be renting out your home to the employees of international firms, for temporary periods of residence in the Netherlands.

You managed to find a renter, but what must you do now? What do you do in the event of an unexpected leak? What if the washing machine is in need of replacement, or the door frames need a new coat of paint? Renters expect a properly maintained property, a fixed contact point, and the guarantee that problems will be solved quickly. When you live far away or abroad, this can be complex and time-consuming. It is also easier for the renter to have a local contact person.

Put your trust and your rental property in my hands. This way you won’t have to worry about a thing.

Contact me directly for an introduction.